The Ulu

The ulu, known in Inuktitut as ᐅᓗ (ulu), translates to “woman’s knife.” This crescent-shaped blade is traditionally used by Inuit women and is passed down through several generations. In Inuit culture, it is considered an honour to receive an ulu from an older female relative. [2] The ulu serves various purposes, including cleaning skins, filleting fish, cutting meat for communal … Read More

Themes in Inuit Art: The Bear

Peter Ejesiak Walking Bear

From sitting to walking to dancing to fighting, the polar bear is one of the most depicted subjects in Inuit sculpture. Perhaps the arctic’s most iconic animal, the solitary bear is also the most powerful. With no natural predators, the bear remains at the top of the Arctic food chain and is both feared and respected by neighbouring animals and … Read More

Themes in Inuit Art: Transformation

Since the 1950s, the theme of the transformation has featured in sculptures, prints, and drawings by Inuit artists hailing from many communities across the Canadian arctic. Depictions of human figures intertwined with animals have permeated the art form in various styles and media, captivating audiences for decades. While many admire the creativity and spirit that emanates from such pieces, the … Read More

Themes in Inuit art: Mother and child

We’re overjoyed that our own Elyse recently welcomed a baby girl into the world! In honour of the new mom and baby, we decided to take a look at one of the most common subjects depicted in Inuit art—the Mother and Child. From early sculptures of Inuk mothers cradling children or keeping babies warm in their hoods, to the many … Read More