This October marked 18 successful years of Feheley Fine Arts’ participation at Art Toronto. This year, our booth exhibited the works of seven talented Inuit artists: the late Annie Pootoogook, Tim Pitsiulak, and Janet Kigusiq; established artists Ningiukulu Teevee, and Shuvinai Ashoona; and emerging artists Padloo Samayualie and Ooloosie Saila.
For the 6th time, a work from our booth was chosen for the prestigious AGO Opening Night Acquisition. Tim Pitsiulak, Swimming Bear, 2016, will be part of the permanent collection at the museum. Feheley Fine Arts is pleased that another work by the late artist will soon be available for public display. Other notable acquisitions include Shuvinai Ashoona, Airport and Hotel Wotel, 2017, by the Art Gallery of Guelph.
The Feheley Fine Arts team would like to thank everyone who came to visit us at Art Toronto this year.