Annie Pootoogook

Annie Pootoogook (1969–2016) came from a long line of artists in Kinngait (Cape Dorset). She began drawing in 1997 and within a decade, became the catalyst for an explosion of creativity in the drawings coming out of Kinngait Studios.

Pootoogook’s drawings immediately challenged conventional expectations of ‘Inuit’ graphic art. An instinctive chronicler of her generation, Pootoogook created images peppered with events of daily life: ATM cash machines and current events on television, Playboy-style eroticism, alcoholism and spousal abuse. Her immediate success in the mid-2000s drew the attention of art collectors. Simultaneously, it signaled to her graphic artist colleagues in the North that there were no limits on subject matter and scale.

For more detailed information, please contact Feheley Fine Arts

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