Kananginak Pootoogook
An accomplished printmaker, Kananginak Pootoogook (1953–2010) produced drawings and prints for the Kinngait (Cape Dorset) graphic arts program since the late 1950s. His work was included in almost every annual collection since that time until his passing in 2009.
As a prominent community leader, Pootoogook was instrumental in the formation of the West Baffin Eskimo Co-operative graphic arts program and served for many years as President of its Board of Directors. His first print, a collaborative image with his father, was included in the first catalogued collection of Cape Dorset prints in 1959.
Pootoogook was highly skilled at representing Arctic wildlife in his work, especially the many species of birds that frequent the North. In later years he focused more on the culture of the Inuit, producing realistic, narrative drawings of camp and hunting scenes. In 2010, Pootoogook was given the National Aboriginal Achievement Award for his work in the Visual Arts. Posthumously in 2017, his drawings were featured at the Venice Biennale.
For more detailed information, please contact Feheley Fine Arts